M5 Master AdyBuddy – Obesity Prevention


  • Lisa Trage
  • Thu Huong Vu
  • Naomi Schoppa
  • Julia Zamaitat
  • Hedi Talmoudi
  • Dustin Reimann
  • Darwin Becker


David Koschnick

What more is possible?

In our conception phase, we came up with a whole bunch of other ideas that we couldn’t implement within the limited number of weeks. Here we list a few of these ideas to illustrate the potential that still lies in the app.

More educational content

We believe that awareness and education is an important key to a lasting healthier life. Therefore, we have planned to provide more prepared content to users in order to provide more knowledge about nutrition and exercise.

More movement challenges

More walking is a good start, but that’s not where the exercise should stop: we plan to offer more exercise challenges customized to the user’s fitness level.

Send motivational messages

We know that sometimes it’s hard to stay on track: that’s why users on a team should be able to send motivational push notifications to each other, signaling: “Hey, we can do this together!”

Usage for children without smartphones

Although most kids today own smartphones, there are some who don’t. We still want to enable such families to use our app: There should be a feature that allows parents to manage profiles for their children in their own profile and enter progress for them.