After the initial registration, the user is asked about their previous exercise and eating habits. By analyzing this data, we assign users to a level of health awareness according to the “Stages of Change” model. From the data provided, e.g. the amount of fruit and vegetables eaten daily, and the calculated awareness level, we then calculate a percentage increase in the initial value, which forms the basis for the defined goals in the weekly challenge.
Initial Analysis
Start A Weekly Challenge
Keep Track Of Your Goals
The weekly goals are sub-calculated to each day of the week, so you don’t immediately see the big mountain of challenges in front of you, but small, easily manageable units each day. And if you don’t manage to reach your goals on one day, you can simply make up for it on another day. Your life is flexible, and so is the app!
Move More
AdyBuddy is based on a multimodal approach: exercise, nutrition and education. Exercise represents the first pillar. Children today move less than they did a few years ago. Therefore the user is given a daily step goal to achieve. More exercise challenges are planned for future releases to bring more physical activities into the user’s everyday life.
Eat Better
The second pillar is nutrition. Based on their previous habits, users are suggested, for example, how many servings of fruit they should eat per day or the maximum number of snacks they should consume. Users can indicate with a tap whether they have just drunk a glass of water or eaten an apple and always have an eye on how many portions haven’t been consumed yet. This creates an awareness of what is actually consumed throughout the day, something that most people are often not even aware of.
Educate Yourself
Education and awareness are the basis for making good and healthy choices. With the help of weekly quizzes, not only children, but also adults, learn a lot about the ingredients of food in their everyday lives. If you ever answer a question incorrectly, you can always go back, because repetition consolidates knowledge.
Work As A Team
Numerous studies have shown that sustainable change can only take place if the family or friendly environment is also involved. Therefore, a core functionality of the app is that you can start a weekly challenge together as a team, the success of which depends largely on all team members achieving their own weekly goals. If a team member has a lull, the others can motivate him or her to keep going. This creates a sense of community, which makes change easier.
Improve Every Week
Get Rewarded
Did you eat your target amount of fruit this week? Great! Did you reach your weekly goal several times in a row? Even better! Small rewards in the form of badges are meant to highlight goals already achieved and motivate you to stay on the ball.
Choose Your Buddy
We know that change can be scary. That’s why our “AdyBuddy” accompanies the user throughout the app, creating a feeling of having a friend by your side to help you through the changes. You can choose from two different buddies: Foxy, the dear fox, or Paul, the cute dog.