The frontend of our project consists of a mobile app and an editor. To save resources we decided to keep the used technologies of both of them as similar as possible. This way everyone was able to work at the app and the editor interchangeably.
Vue 3
Vue.js is a frontend framework for developing user interfaces. It uses declarative rendering and reactivity to update the DOM upon JavaScript state changes and has great TypeScript support. We decided to use Vue.js because all of our team members had worked with it in the past at least once. Pinia is used for state management, since it works best with the Vue.js Composition API.
Ionic & Capacitor
Ionic is an open-source UI kit for building cross-platform apps. As it is based on Web Components, any UI framework can be used in conjunction. There are many UI components available with Ionic, most of which are optimized for mobile apps but can also be used in web applictions.
In combination with Capacitor it is possible to build native apps via AndroidStudio and XCode and access native APIs. Capacitor is therefore only used for the mobile app.
Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps. It is mobile friendly and can be extended with plugins. We used Leaflet for the editor and the app.