B7 Bachelor ZeroC DataCapture


  • Daria Katysheva
  • Claude Farmer
  • Fathoni Rachmatullah
  • Habib Farhan
  • Nurul Quamila
  • Rene Redanz
  • Tanem Basaraner


Alexander Haferland, Veronika Babic
logos of used technologies

Mockups & Design


To develop the design and mockups we used the web version of Figma, a collaborative online platform for designers.


React Native

After a continous discussion we decided to create our app with React Native, since most of us already had some experience either with JavaScript or React. React Native is an open-source cross-platform framework for writing native apps that utilizes React and JavaScript. It allowed us to separate the logic into small and reusable components.

Version Control

Git / GitLab

We used Git for version control to be able to work synchronously and simoultaneously on our project. The repository on GitLab was provided to us by urban energy. In addition we kept the track of all of the tasks and organized our sprints using the GitLab boards.


Xcode / Android Studio

With Xcode on MacOS and Android Studio on all the major operating systems we built the app and run the emulators to test it.


Visual Studio Code

As an IDE we used Visual Studio Code to write the code for our program. The abundance of plugins in VS Code allowed us to comfortably customize the editor for our needs.



Discord was our main communication channel. We found it to be very convenient that we could have both text and voice channels, which were separated by topics, in one place.