B7 Bachelor ZeroC DataCapture


  • Daria Katysheva
  • Claude Farmer
  • Fathoni Rachmatullah
  • Habib Farhan
  • Nurul Quamila
  • Rene Redanz
  • Tanem Basaraner


Alexander Haferland, Veronika Babic

Secure Login


The OAuth 2.0 protocoll allows a secure authentication and authorization of users. That was the original idea of how we were supposed to perform the authentication. Unfortunately, there were some complications with its implementation. Therefore, as a plan B we decided to store the login data locally on mobile devices.

Display History


All the history of added meter data is available to users at any time due to the AsyncStorage technology. The Overview screen displays the date of making the data entry as well as the readings and meter type.

Barcode Scanner for Serial Number


Scan the meter serial number with your phone camera. No more need to enter this data manually.

OCR Technology


Thanks to the OCR, meter readings are now recognized automatically. The OCR implementation was made possible by ML Kit, a mobile machine learning SDK developed by Google.