B4 Bachelor citizenhero


  • Kathie
  • Mauro
  • Nadja
  • Mahad


Till Leinen


We wanted to make our web application simple and easy to use because our target users are diverse and we don’t expect everyone to be computer savvy. Our web application has the following features:

Know your reps


A simple functionality that allows users to filter their representatives by zip code. The representatives’ names, pictures, political parties, and biographies are then shown. One may also view a specific representative’s voting record in parliament.


This is the main page where one can see the outcomes in the parliament on many climate change related votings. It is possible to view information such as how many individuals voted in favor or against a proposal. Furthermore, one may see which exact representative voted in favor and which voted against. This feature allows a person to decide whether or not they are satisfied and whether or not they wish to contact a representative.

Contact your reps


This is the page where the magic happens. The page displays a simple form in which the user enters basic information such as their name, location, and so on. A personalized message is then generated, along with a link that takes you to an email client where you can simply send the personalized message directly to any individual representative or many representatives at once, all within a few minutes.

Subscribe to upcoming votings

We also thought of including a newsletter service that would keep users up to date on impending parliamentary votes. If they wanted, they might contact their representatives about votings in advance.