B4 Bachelor citizenhero


  • Kathie
  • Mauro
  • Nadja
  • Mahad


Till Leinen


Our Goal

Representatives are chosen by the public to make decisions on their behalf and act in their best interests. Climate change is a very serious challenge, and although awareness is growing, there is still not enough being done.

Our mission is to make every citizen a hero by providing them with the tools they need to be more proactive, informed, and vigilant. We want to provide a platform where people can hold their representatives accountable for their actions and reach out to them easily. We also want the average citizen to be more informed about government policies and actions, since only then will we be able to see real and significant changes when the needed policies are shaped at government level.

The Team

Citizen Hero is the work of four IMI students from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin: Kathie, Nadja, Mahad, and Mauro under the supervision of Till Leinen.