B3 Bachelor Complex Space Adventure


  • Robert Sourmenelian
  • Richard Seidel
  • Nina Weddige
  • Jana El Mouaied El Azm
  • Nell Ehrlinger


Martin Steinicke, Adrian Sabrowski

Communication & Design


For our daily communication we used Discord and WhatsApp. With these apps, we could check in with everyone, ask how things were going, or ask for help. Using Discord, we could also hold a spontaneous meeting if something else needed to be discussed.


We used Jira to create tickets and a backlog to keep track of our project. It helped us define and implement weekly and holistic goals. It also allowed us to get an overview of the project status together.


Otherwise, we used Zoom for our weekly meetings. There we discussed more details, planned the next week, reviewed and improved what was done the week before.


The design of our game adds the right flavor to it. Although the credits for it go to our asset designer Jana, we want to mention here what platform she used for her masterpieces.

Google Drive

We used Drive mainly to share knowledge when we were doing research. We also used it to create our concepts and share data. Drive opened the possibility for us to work together on documents at the same time. This way, we could help each other out or double check when needed. Since Google and its functionalities are widely known and available for any system, this was the perfect way for us.


Tech Stack Dev


We chose Unity for the development of our game. Among other reasons, because most of our team already had experience with it, so it was easier and faster to get started.


Github was the interface for collaboration between all of us. Since each of us already had some experience, it made the collaborative work process much easier. This allowed us to collaborate in a focused way without any issues.

tech stack part 2