M6 Master Migrate the IMI-Map to MEVN


  • Jakob Panten
  • Linda Fernsel
  • Lotte Unckell
  • Luis Hankel
  • Robin Decker


Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen

The Old IMI-Map

The goal of this project was to rewrite the IMI-Map using a new Tech Stack. So we rewrote the app implementing all the features of the old IMI-Map:

Features Old

Internship Search

  • Students can search the internship database of the IMI-Map to get inspiration for their own internship.

Internship Postponements

  • Students can request a postponement of their internship using the IMI-Map. These requests can then be processed and accepted or denied by the internship officer using the IMI-Map as well.

Internship Registration

  • Students can register their internships using the IMI-Map. They can print their registration form from the IMI-Map to hand in with the internship officer.

Internship Administration

  • The internship officer can use the IMI-Map to keep track of the internships and the corresponding paperwork.

The New IMI-Map

The process of finding and administrating internships had undergone some changes and digitisation during the COVID19-Pandemic. Therefore we also identified new features to implement and extend the old IMI-Map with:

Features New

Cleaner Data

  • In the old IMI-Map there was a lot of unused data as relics from no longer maintained features. When rethinking the data models we took this into account and considered each model and each field of the model whether it was neccessary or not.

Administration History

  • Using Event Sourcing the new IMI-Map lets the internship officer track the steps that led to the current state of the internship.

Manage PDFs via the IMI-Map

  • Due to the COVID-19 induced digitisation from a paper based process to a PDF based process in the internship administration the new IMI-Map now supports the management of these PDFs directly inside the IMI-Map.

Redesigned Administration Interface

  • The new IMI-Map has a completely redesigned administration interface for easier administration of the internships. This new interface includes:
    • Quick actions for easy access to the next administration steps.
    • Automatic aggregation of the duration of all the internship parts to check whether the parts add up to enough weeks.
    • And more…