M6 Master Migrate the IMI-Map to MEVN


  • Jakob Panten
  • Linda Fernsel
  • Lotte Unckell
  • Luis Hankel
  • Robin Decker


Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen
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The IMI-Map

The IMI-Map was developed in 2013 as a Ruby on Rails application in a practical project. It was maintained and further developed in another practical project and a few bachelor theses and it is being used, maintained and developed actively in the study program since 2013. The goal of the original IMI-Map was to support students with finding an internship and to support the internship officer with internship administration.

The original IMI-Map:

Previous IMI-Map Projects:

The Goal

Even tough Ruby on Rails is a stable and still current web framework, the study program is increasingly using more modern JavaScript-based frameworks. In order to make the IMI-Map more easily integrable into other courses and student projects the main objective was to:

  • Migrate the IMI-Map as it is from Ruby on Rails to the MEVN-Stack (Mongo, Express, Vue und Node.js).
  • The migration of the IMI-Map to the MEVN-Stack also poses the question on how to migrate the data of the IMI-Map safely without regression and loss of data to the new IMI-Map.
  • At the end of the project the old IMI-Map should be able to be replaced by the new version.

The Team

As a team of five we had very different background knowledge present in the team. Some of us have worked with the IMI-Map before, others had never even seen it. Some of us had prior knowledge about the process of the IMI-Internships from varied perspectives, others had not even gone through the internship process themselves. Some of us had worked with the MEVN-Stack before, others had not.

Including all these points of views, perspectives and bits of knowledge was a challenge and the reason we decided not to give fixed roles to people. Over the course of time a few key areas of work developed anyway:

  • Jakob and Robin worked mainly on the frontend
  • Linda worked mainly on the backend
  • Lotte was our interface and intermediary to the old IMI-Map, Quality Assurance, PR
  • Luis worked mainly in dev ops, data migration and on the backend