M3 Master Find-IT


  • The-Anh Nguyen
  • Nhu Mong Tran
  • Malin Dulkies
  • Mischa Koischwitz
  • Cyrine Ben Romdhane


David Koschnick, Marco A.

So, what's next?

The focal point of our project was to create a helpful tool for young students or anyone who wants to reorient themselves in the IT-field. In order to achieve this, the test with the questions and their algorithm was the most important part. Our main forces were being used to ensure that the questions were easy to answer and had psychological value.

Going forward, the next steps would be to expand the database and create more jobs and relevant questions for them. So far, the team chose one job out of various fields to give the user a broad overview over the possiblities and which direction they’re leaning into. Giving more variety in the jobs displayed and the jobs covered within the questionnaire will help the user get a more detailed and more fitting job result for themself.

Possible Features in the future


The application itself is designed like most personality-based tests are, to do only once and consider the outcome somewhat final, because the way the questions are laid out, one’s reply to them shouldn’t drastically change over the course of minutes or even days. Still, like the 16 personalities test, people tend to do them more often, once a year just to see if they have evolved, grown or changed within that specified time period.

To ensure that the user isn’t going to lose their results over a longer time period, a user profile could be put in place that records and saves past results, the change over time and more valuable information about the user as a person.


In addition to the jobs and the job descriptions, Find-IT already offers, it would be very helpful to have all the information gathered in one place. Descriptions, skill levels needed for a job, hard skills, personality; just everything one needs to know as well as links with further information on the topic or even links to job sites where the user can apply for a specific job.

In order to get to the Glossar and also to have an incentive for the user to make an account and gain more information, the team decided that it would be a good idea to offer the Glossar and that additional information after creating a profile and especially after finishing the test fully.


So far, Find-It does have a little mascot in place to show the possible outcome if the 3D modelling were taken a little further in its development. In the animation shown at the back of the page, the user is represented as a little ball that rolls through the pipeline of the user’s mind to get from one segment of the questionnaire to the next.

Future work on it could include a proper characterization and more detailed animations so that the user can really, properly identify themself with the character on its journey through the test and create a stronger bond with the test itself. Having someone by your side and be it only in the back of the page, occasionally when the screen changes, can increase the personal connection to the website and keep the user motivated to bring their little ‘self’ to the finish line and see which job in the IT industry really fits both of their mindsets.

Linking it to helpful sources

A fact that was already grazed in the Glossar section, but adding a link to other sites, especially those who are helping in finding a job would be a great help for a user to get started, especially if their skill level is already sufficient in that specific field. Furthermore, different job sites also have even more diverse competencies that need to be covered because every single business is different and has varying requirements that need to be fulfilled.

In order to help out there as well, the system could be filled and extended with helpful links to improve on certain hard skills needed for a job the user potentially never considered before and became aware of just now. That way, the user wouldn’t have to go searching on their own or rather already has a good base as to where to start.