M2 Master Something Unreal


  • Dominic Engel
  • Till Falkenberg
  • Joerdis Liermann
  • Tony Dat Nguyen Tien
  • Ralf Strecker


Prof. Dr.-Ing. David Strippgen
tech stack


  • Unreal Engine 4
    Unreal Engine 4 was our main tool.
    We built our project and put all small parts together as one.
  • Oculus
    We developed and tested our game with the Oculus Quest, we also used Oculus Link to link the Quest to the PC.
  • SteamVR
    We were able to play Something Unreal on the Quest via an Unreal plugin using SteamVR.


  • Oculus Quest
    Three of us used the VR-Headset from Oculus, the Oculus Quest 1.
  • HTC Vive VR
    The other two used the HTC Vive VR-Headset.


  • Blender
    Blender is a 3D content creation software and was used to create almost all the assets for our project.


  • Affinity Photo & Affinity Designer
    Affinity Photo was used for simple manipulation of textures whereas Affinity Designer was our tool of choice for creating graphical UI elements for the game.
  • Substance Designer
    When it came to creating procedural textures for materials and postprocessing effects we went with Substance Designer.
  • Substance Painter
    Substance Painter was essential in 3D texturing our custom-made assets.


  • Ableton Live
    Live was our main tool for composing the game score as well as creating the MIDI files that are used to drive rhythmic gameplay.
  • MaxMSP & Max4Live
    We used Max to build a translation layer that would convert musical cues to usable gampeplay events. The tight integration of Max into Live via Max4Live made it easy to do quick iterations of the gameplay.


  • Discord
    We kept very close contact via Discord as a team and exchanged information almost daily via chat.
  • ZOOM
    ZOOM was used for meetings with our supervisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. David Strippgen every two weeks. We discussed our current progress and talked about how to proceed.

Version Control

  • HTW GitLab
    We used the HTW GitLab as the version control system for our software project. Tasks and documentation were implemented with GitLab issues and the internal wiki respectively.


  • Miro
    In Miro, we quickly shared our thoughts and discussed the design of our project and assets.