B5 Bachelor Berlin for Future


  • Julius Schultz
  • Mohamed Amine Sallami
  • Oksana Shcherban
  • Pablo Benjamin Naujoks Roldan
  • Yana Stasevich


Prof. Dr. Regina Frieß, Tamara Voigt
tech stack visualized
Our tech stack

Research Tools

Google Drive & Google Docs

During this stage of our process we relied heavily on our shared Google Drive folder to organize all of our research documents, work protocols and general collection of information.

Visualisation Tools


We used Miro at the stage where we had more or less concrete concept ideas and needed a place to organize our ideas into concrete features. We also used Miro for our initial wireframes.


We used Canva mainly to create the concepts presentation which we presented to the Berlin Senate in June.


We used Figma for the designs of our concrete app ideas. As well as the click through dummy of the Quiz App.

Development Tools


We decided to use GitHub as our hosting platform for version control. Every task was completed in separate feature branches and we supported each other with reviews of our pull requests using this tool.


We used these tools for the opportunity to learn more about one of the leading development tools in the development field as well as to be able to produce a stable product in the minimal time we had left.


Material-UI was our decision to add amazingly designed elements to the App with ease and speed.



Process Supporting Tools


Discord was mainly our communication platform for team meetings and quick interactions during the project semester, as well as organisational discussions via WhatsApp. Additionally, we used Zoom for meetings with our supervisor.


We worked heavily with Trello to synchronise all of our tasks as well as keep track of the process.