
  • Elyess Eleuch
  • Dennis Bröcker
  • Martin Staats
  • Nils Rausch
  • Stepan Burlachenko


Prof. Dr. Regina Friess und Alexander Kramer, in collaboration with Marc Sinan Company


  • The implementation of the technical pipeline is divided into three parts.
  • The Manifesto-Core, the Server and the Frontend.

A code snippet from the Node.js Server. The processed data will be taken over by a Kafka-Consumer. The circular surfaces which are submitted by the Frontend are compared with the assigned User-IDs from our Kafka instance. After the comparison a decision which signal will be sent to Ableton Live through Ableton.js will be made.


The Manifesto-Core script is our main asset in our app, which is developed with OpenCV and Python. People that move in front of our cameras will be detected and get an ID assigned. Those IDs will be sent to a Kafka instance which also gets sent to our server.

Manifesto Server

This is our Server for the Manifesto application. We use Node.js to connect with the Ableton.js. With a Docker-Compose-File a Kafka-instance will start inside a Docker Container.

  • The Raspberry PIs receive data from the Kafka-instance.
  • That data will be sent to the Server.
  • The Server receives an Area-of-interest point from the Frontend and compares both data streams with each other
  • After evaluation a signal will be sent to Ableton Live.

Manifesto Frontend

We created the Frontend to have the possibility to draw and submit circles on the “Area of interest”.

  • Frontend User Interface