
  • Elyess Eleuch
  • Dennis Bröcker
  • Martin Staats
  • Nils Rausch
  • Stepan Burlachenko


Prof. Dr. Regina Friess und Alexander Kramer, in collaboration with Marc Sinan Company


The Marc Sinan Company shared the main idea with us: how the inner room of a church should be turned into an interactive area where one has to work together with the others; the event should act as a memorial to the victims of the National Socialist Underground murders.

The concept is the project foundation and was developed in collaboration and coordination with the Marc Sinan Company. An important point here was dividing the whole act into substeps to define the possible states of it. The starting point of the interaction is the whole floor area with a smaller area within it acting as the playground.

We developed multiple concepts, discussed and modified them to reach the final idea:

  • The act is divided into 4 different phases

  • There are at least 2 areas that are part of the interaction. (1) Interaction area (2) Target area.

  • At least one person is needed for the interaction.

    2 Grundflächen
    • A circle was selected as the form of the target area.
    • A circle is an appropriate shape for the concept of the event. It symbolizes togetherness and peace.
    • Metaphorically, it is assigned the protective function.
    4 Phasen
    4 Phasen
    • The final concept includes one circles on each side that can be placed on the area using the User Interface in the Manifesto-Core frontend app.
    • Due to the current situation with the pandemic, multiple circles is a more appropriate solution.
    4 Phasen