B5 Bachelor The Missing Tool


  • Annina Keller
  • Noschdar Sindy
  • Jannis Bautsch
  • Julia Zamaitat
  • Linh Le
  • Luc-Stephan Nkok
  • Alain Ngoufack


Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen

Group projects in no time ...

After several weeks of defining and shaping our ideas, we came up with our final vision: A tool that makes it possible for students to brainstorm ideas on notes that can be used on a digital whiteboard, to communicate in real-time about the delevoped ideas and to easily form new sub-groups without the trouble of joining new breakout-rooms.

... and with no effort at all.

All this is possible without setting up a new user account, for fast onboarding and even faster sharing options. What differenciates us from already existing collaboration tools is our focus on fast working processes without the need of getting familiar with yet another online-tool and the need of handling just one more login for your university accounts. Plus: Finding sub-groups is easier than ever! We know that the everyday life of a student is busy – being students ourselves helped us understand that we are the ones responsible for not making it busier.

Enough blah blah, we want to see results!

To define the MVP we created a user story map that defines which features we wanted to implement and which were not our top-priority. This map is extendible and was used as a rough reference to guide us through our sprints:

Our user story map

Do you want to get a first impression of what you can do on our tool? Take a look at the next page: Features