B5 Bachelor The Missing Tool


  • Annina Keller
  • Noschdar Sindy
  • Jannis Bautsch
  • Julia Zamaitat
  • Linh Le
  • Luc-Stephan Nkok
  • Alain Ngoufack


Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen

So, what's next?

If we have had more time, we probably would have come up with so much more ideas of what to integrate in The Missing Tool. And we already had some ideas that we would like to be realized in the future – either by us or some other students who will get a chance to work on the tool.


We want to give our users the opportunity to chat via audio, as an addition to the chat that is already present. We did some research on the topic, but realized that it needs more time to be explored in order to create an experience that is pleasant for the users.

Image Upload

Right now we have five shapes available to work with, but in case you wanted to use different ones or upload screenshots we would like to provide image upload. With this feature, your creative ideas have no limits.

More User Roles

One of the reasons why our tool is so lightweight is the possibility to use it without creating user accounts! We want to keep it that way but extend the user roles – meaning having admins or people who have only the rights to visit a board, but not to edit it. This way, you have more control over your boards!

So, you can see, there is still a lot of potential that can be discovered! Maybe you will be the next person making some of these ideas come true?

The Missing Tool Board