B2 Bachelor VR For Future


  • Marino Gabel
  • Jakob Heschl
  • Niklas Janssen
  • Denys Myroniuk
  • Sebastian Pütz
  • Martin Solihin


Prof. Dr. David Strippgen
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Hunters Paths

We call our game “Hunters Paths”. In the first level introduces the first mechanic, which is climbing. After you passed the quest the second mechanic in level 2 is “hunting”. You can decide if you hunt with sword or more immersive with bow and arrow. In the end there will we a final hunt against a strong animal.

Oculus Quest

The Oculus Quest is a stand-alone VR-Headset running on an Android System with the following specifications:

  • Panel Type: Dual OLED 1600x1440
  • Supported Refresh Rate: 72 Hz
  • CPU: Qualcomm® Snapdragon 835
  • GPU: Qualcomm® Adreno™ 540 GPU
  • Memory: 4GB total
Oculus Quest

It provides a wireless VR experience, therefore we optimized our game to run with a good performance on it.

The Team

We are all astonished about VR technology and confident about it’s role in the future.
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